Marketing of a food product is an as essential part as that of the planning to set up a business. It has been found that most of the business operators do not pat as much attention as that of planning for an enterprise in Food and beverages and related sectors in the food science and technology. Here we are considering budding entrepreneurs, small and marginal business operators and Community Based Business Operators. Food marketing has following components.

To achieve benefits in food marketing following components can be implemented.

To implement effective food marketing one should have a well defined and designed marketing plan. A effective marketing plan gives clear understanding about potential market, potential customers, product positioning and sales strategies. Following are some of the most effective marketing strategies:-

• Brand positioning
• Packaging
• USP statement
• Blog
• E Mail
• Social media
• Event hosting
• Online listing
• Festive and seasonal offers
• Associate or partner branding
• Re invention

The food business operators and new entrepreneurs should have made a provision of food marketing on financial and implementation background. Funds not allotted for food marketing may be very primitive reason which makes it a area of less importance. Actually case is exactly reverse. Finance is called as a heart of business then food marketing are the kidneys. Business can just survive but never flourishes.

Dr. RijwanPinjari